Top 4 Zodiac Signs Who Consistently Fall for Unattainable People


Have you ever liked someone who seems out of reach? Maybe they’re unavailable, live far away, or just don’t feel the same way. Some zodiac signs often find themselves falling for people they can’t have. They love the excitement, the mystery, or the idea of a perfect romance. Let’s look at the four zodiac signs that usually fall for the impossible.


Pisces is the sign that loves to dream about romance. They have big hearts and always imagine the perfect love story. This is why Pisces often fall for people who are out of reach. They are drawn to the magic and mystery of love, even if it’s not real.

Pisces get lost in their imagination. They start thinking about how wonderful life would be with that person. The idea of love becomes more exciting than real life. So, they may find themselves dreaming about someone who isn’t available, and that dream can be hard to let go of.


Libras love everything that is beautiful and balanced. They are ruled by Venus, the planet of love, so they are always looking for the perfect partner. This often leads them to fall for people who seem perfect but are unattainable.

When Libra sees someone charming and flawless, they quickly get hooked. Even if that person is not interested or available, Libras still dream about what could be. They love to think about the “perfect relationship” and often get lost in this idea, forgetting what is really possible.


Scorpios are known for their passion and deep emotions. They love secrets and mysteries, and they are not afraid of challenges. When they fall for someone, they fall hard. If the person seems out of reach, Scorpio becomes even more interested.

Scorpios love the thrill of the chase. If someone is distant or unavailable, it becomes like a puzzle for Scorpio to solve. They want to learn everything about that person and explore their hidden sides. This love for mystery often leads them to chase after people who they can never truly have.


Sagittarius is the sign of adventure and freedom. They love exploring new places and trying new things. When it comes to love, they are attracted to people who seem out of reach because it feels like an exciting journey.

Sagittarius loves the thrill of the unknown. They might fall for someone who lives far away or someone who is not ready for a relationship. To them, love should be an adventure, even if it means chasing something they can’t catch. This makes unattainable love very exciting for Sagittarius.

Why Do These Signs Fall for Unreachable Love?

These zodiac signs have one thing in common: they love dreaming big. Pisces gets lost in romantic dreams, Libra looks for perfect love, Scorpio enjoys the thrill of mystery, and Sagittarius loves the adventure. They focus on the idea of love and how exciting it could be, sometimes forgetting about what is real.

Can They Change This Pattern?

Yes, they can, but it takes time. They need to understand why they are attracted to people they can’t have. Once they know this, they can try to look for a love that is real and within reach. It’s about finding a balance between dreams and reality.

Instead of chasing impossible love, they can start looking for someone who is ready to be in their lives. It may take some effort, but finding love that’s real can be much more rewarding.


These four zodiac signs often fall for people they can’t have. Pisces dreams of perfect romance, Libra looks for flawless love, Scorpio enjoys the chase, and Sagittarius seeks adventure.

The key to finding true love is to stay grounded. It’s okay to dream big, but also remember to look for love that is possible. After all, the best kind of love is one where both people meet each other halfway. If you are one of these signs, know that real love is out there waiting for you. Sometimes, it’s closer than you think.


Why do Pisces fall for unattainable people?

Pisces love the idea of romance and often get lost in their dreams, making unattainable love seem more magical.

What attracts Libra to unavailable partners?

Libras seek perfection and often get hooked on the idea of a “perfect” relationship, even if it’s out of reach.

Do Scorpios enjoy the chase in love?

Yes, Scorpios love mystery and see the chase as an exciting challenge.

Why is Sagittarius drawn to impossible love?

Sagittarius loves adventure and finds the thrill of chasing the unknown exciting.

Can these signs change their pattern?

Yes, by understanding their feelings and looking for more realistic relationships.

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