4 Zodiac Signs Make Distance to End a Relationship

Emily Grace

Ending a relationship can be tough, and not everyone handles it the same way. Some zodiac signs prefer to pull away gradually rather than having a direct confrontation. If you’re curious about which signs might use this subtle approach, read on to find out how Cancer, Scorpio, Aquarius, and Pisces navigate the tricky path to ending a relationship.


Cancer is deeply emotional and values close connections. When Cancer feels it’s time to end a relationship, they might not come right out and say it. Instead, they start to withdraw. You might notice they become less available, less affectionate, and more focused on their own needs. It’s their way of preparing themselves and making the transition less painful. By pulling away, Cancer is trying to protect their heart while making the end of the relationship a bit easier for themselves.


Scorpio is known for its intense feelings and complex nature. When a Scorpio decides it’s time to end things, they often do so in a way that’s hard to pin down. Instead of having a clear conversation about the breakup, they may start to become distant and hard to reach. Scorpios might not be very open about their feelings, preferring instead to create space by being mysterious and elusive. This way, they avoid an emotional confrontation and give themselves room to deal with the situation on their own terms.


Aquarius values independence and logic, so their way of handling a breakup can be quite different. When Aquarius decides a relationship isn’t working, they might start to distance themselves in a more practical, less emotional way. They may become less engaged and more focused on their own interests and activities. For Aquarius, pulling away is a way to manage their emotions without getting too caught up in the drama. It’s their way of processing the end of the relationship with a clear head.


Pisces, ruled by Neptune, is often seen as a dreamy and sensitive sign. When they want to end a relationship, they might do so by becoming more distant and absorbed in their own thoughts and dreams. Instead of addressing the breakup directly, Pisces might retreat into their fantasy world, becoming less involved and more absent-minded. This dreamy withdrawal helps them escape the reality of the situation and makes the transition feel less harsh.


How does Cancer handle breakups?

Cancer pulls away emotionally and becomes less available.

What is Scorpio’s breakup style?

Scorpio becomes elusive and hard to reach.

How does Aquarius deal with ending a relationship?

Aquarius becomes detached and focuses on their own interests.

What does Pisces do when breaking up?

Pisces retreats into their own dreams and becomes less involved.

What does Pisces do when ending a relationship?

Pisces withdraws into their own dream world, becoming less engaged and more distant.

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